2023 October London Conference

Please use the read more to see videos of:
  • Richard Tice
  • Nigel Farage
  • Ben Habib
  • David Bull

at the October 2023 London Conference.

There was tremendous enthusiasm at the conference for the future of our Party.

Richard Tice at the Reform Conference

Leader Richard Tice told the conference we have to "cut taxes, control our borders, and train and educate our own people" as he discussed our policies to Save Britain.


Nigel Farage at the Reform Conference

Honorary President Nigel Farage addressed delegates and discussed the  "huge gap in the political market to leave ECHR and stop mass migration".


Ben Habib at the Reform Conference

Newly appointed joint deputy leader Ben Habib SLAMMED the Tories' BREXIT BETRAYAL in his speech to the Reform UK conference.


David Bull at the Reform Conference

Joint deputy leader Dr David Bull outlines how we plan to save the NHS.


In her keynote address to the Reform UK conference, Ann Widdecombe SLAMS the Labour Party and said "We must never forget the threat the Labour Party poses to our nation".


Matt Goodwin’s Substack is considered one of the most influential in Westminster with more than 18,500 subscribers, including many Brexiteers. His weekly columns include unique polling, analysis, and thoughts.

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